March 2020

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t m c n e w s . o r g 22 B y M a g g i e G a l e h o u s e W hen two hospitals merge into one location, div- vying up space for existing and incoming staff rises to the top of the to-do list. Department heads from both sites confer with planners, hospital admin- istrators and architects to make sure everyone is properly equipped to treat patients. In early January, Shriners Hospitals for Children – Houston confirmed that it would close in 2021 and consolidate with Shriners – Galveston. Shriners aims to complete the merger by the fourth quarter of 2020, but the full remodel in Galveston could seep into the following year. "We have the space in our facility," said Gary Martin, chair- man of the Board of Governors for Shriners Hospitals for Children – Galveston. "We are now in the process of stage-planning the different phases we are going through to remodel, because we still have to be open while we're remodeling. … I was just on a teleconference call for an hour- and-a-half with architects." Operating two Shriners hos- pitals just 55 miles apart has been inefficient, said David Ashley, chairman emeritus of the Board of Governors for Shriners – Houston. Still, closing the Houston hospital was a tough decision to make. "Obviously, some people who work in the Houston facility don't want to go to Galveston," Ashley said. "But, we are hoping to keep as much of our staff as absolutely possible." A bigger footprint The decision to combine hospi- tals was actually made last fall, said Mel Bower, national spokes- person for Shriners Hospitals for Children, a nonprofit network of 22 hospitals across North America that cares for children up to age 18 regardless of their families' ability to pay. "It really comes from a place of best serving our patients," Bower said. "We are now going to be able to combine our service lines in one facility." Shriners – Houston cares for children with orthopedic and neuromusculoskeletal disorders and diseases as well as cleft lip and palate abnormalities, while Shriners – Galveston treats children with burns and other soft tissue conditions. Almost every burn patient will need orthopedic Plans for Shriners Hospitals for Children – Texas have begun MERGING HOSPITALS SHRINERS

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